Another Wolfcop movie review & film summary (2017)

August 2024 ยท 3 minute read

If that plot synopses sounds funny to you, all I can say is: I'm sorry. "Another Wolfcop" is the kind of bad movie that sounds amazing on paper, but is excruciating to watch, even at a brisk 82 minutes. This film throws so many misconceived gonzo ideas at viewers that it soon becomes apparent that its creators are implicitly relying on your good will to see you through their trainwreck of a werewolf buddy cop alien hockey comedy. 

For starters: there are no memorable characters to latch on to. Garou was, in the first "Wolfcop," at least sympathetic enough. In fact, he was only singled out by evil shape-shifting cultists because their spell required a patsy who is essentially, in Garou's words, Woodhaven's "village idiot." But none of Garou's slovenly personality bogs him down in "Another Wolfcop," which uncritically celebrates Garou's brazen chauvinism, and makes frequent sport of the fact that Garou gets hit on, and mounted by Willie's were-cat sister Kat (Serena Miller). Garou's sophomore outing is overstuffed with lifeless jokes about his furry junk (including an explicit full frontal crotch shot), his Popeye-like mainlining of alcohol, and his colleagues' relative incompetence. Everybody in "Another Wolfcop" is supposed to be a bit of a bummer to hang out with...except Garou. This is especially unfortunate since Fafard, an amateur actor whose most distinguishing feature is his bushy, Eric Bogosian-like eyebrows, just isn't very charming.

Which leads us to the biggest problem with "Another Wolfcop:" none of its nonsensical individual elements come together because every joke is the lowest form of humor possible. For contrast's sake, look at the "Naked Gun" movies. Many people remember these films' inspired, surreal sight gags, and not their ridiculously white-male-centric humor. Still, these movies work as well as they do because they're made by guys who made a fine art of the reaction shot, amongst other things. The makers of the "Naked Gun" films are, in that sense, way more funny than their frequent jokes at the expense of women, Mexicans, and O.J. Simpson are politically objectionable. 

But the creators of "Another Wolfcop" aren't in the same weight-class as those guys because they constantly go for obvious jokes that simply don't stick in your mind. The best joke in this film is a throwaway gag about how the cops' walkie-talkies all sound like the kind of garbled gibberish that the adults in "Peanuts" cartoons speak fluently. Unfortunately, this hilarious one-time gag is repeatedly run into the ground. "Another Wolfcop" may have all the elements of a fun night out, particularly a werewolf, jokes about the pretentious use of the word "curate," and yes, some bodily fluids, too. But it's not worth watching since its creators' keep trying to pull a loaded gun from their empty holsters.
