In Japan, Shogakukan publishes a series of educational magazines known as the Shogakukan Learning Magazines. There is a separate magazine for each grade in elementary school, from 1st Grade to 6th Grade; these magazines are simply titled Elementary School 1st Grade, etc.
From the April 1998 issue (published March 1998) to the March 1999 issue (published February 1999), all six of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines ran a promotion in which students theoretically enrolled in the fictional Tamamushi University, taking exams distributed in the magazines in order for a chance to win prizes. This promotion roughly coincided with the academic year in Japan.
Entrance Exam
The May 1998 issue (published April 1998) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines included an Entrance Exam (入学試験 Entrance Exam). Readers could complete the exam and submit it to Shogakukan for grading.
All entrants received a student number and a results sheet containing their exam results. The results sheet included a numerical ranking among all entrants.
Professor Exam
The August 1998 issue (published July 1998) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines included a Professor Exam (博士試験 Doctor Exam). The exam contained questions about Pokémon. Readers could complete the exam, and at the cost of ¥480 (plus postage), they could submit their exam to Shogakukan for grading.
All entrants received a Tamamushi University pin, a Tamamushi University Pocket Book, a personalized Tamamushi University Student ID card, and a results sheet containing their exam results. Entrants who achieved a perfect score were granted the title of Professor (博士)—capped at 1000 entrants, with winners selected by lottery if there were more—and received a certificate certifying them as such.
All entrants who became Professors were entered into a lottery to win one of several prizes: One of 200 pocket watches, 200 backpacks, and 600 pennants. Additionally, 30 Professors were selected to receive a special Dragon Rage Magikarp in Pokémon Red, Green, or Pokémon Blue.
Super Professor Exam
The September 1998 issue (published August 1998) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines included a Super Professor Exam (スーパー博士試験 Super Doctor Exam). (This exam's title is a reference to the Japanese name of the Great Ball.)
Entrants received a student ID card, other Tamamushi University cards, and a results sheet containing their exam results.
Entrants who received a perfect score were granted the title of Super Professor (スーパー博士) and received a Super Professor certificate.
Hyper Professor Exam
The December 1998 issue (published November 1998) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines included a Hyper Professor Exam (ハイパー博士試験 Hyper Doctor Exam). (This exam's title is a reference to the Japanese name of the Ultra Ball.)
Entrants received the Tamamushi University Note Book Mini, a student ID card, other Tamamushi University cards, and a sticker containing their exam results.
Entrants who received a perfect score were granted the title of Hyper Professor (ハイパー博士)—capped at 1000 entrants, with winners selected by lottery if there were more—and received a certificate certifying them as such. Additionally, all Hyper Professors received an exclusive Magikarp promotional TCG card.
Graduation Exam
The March 1999 issue (published February 1999) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines included a Graduation Exam (卒業試験). Instead of questions about Pokémon, this exam required entrants to illustrate a Pokémon using a new move.
All entrants received a graduation certificate.
School anthem
The September 1998 issue (published August 1998) of each of the Shogakukan Learning Magazines announced the school anthem contest. Readers could submit their proposed school anthem, with the winning anthem announced at the Tamamushi University graduation ceremony, which was held at the 9th Next Generation World Hobby Fair. The lyrics to the winning anthem were also published in the Tamamushi University Note Book Mini, along with the name of the entrant who submitted them.
The winning anthem lyrics was submitted by Tomomi Aida (相田知美), who was awarded with the title "Professor of Music". The song was created by Hirokazu Tanaka and the vocals were recorded by Imakuni?, who performed it at the hobby fair event.
The anthem was published to three cassette tapes and distributed to top-scoring students at the graduation ceremony. No official digital copy of the anthem exists, leaving these cassette tapes as the only remaining copy of the song. One of these cassettes is known to have been damaged beyond repair.[1]
Tamamushi University Pocket Book
A campus diagram (Tamamushi University Pocket Book pp. 5-6)
Tamamushi University pin
External links