First, Dragon Quest 11. One of the better Dragon Quests, with a good cast of characters (except Veronica... she must DIE... Oh, wait, she does), fairly good mechanics, pretty good story (if a bit generic), and good side-quests. The problem I have with it is the Third Act, which undoes all the character development in the cast, all so they can get the damn midget, Veronica, back. As a result I haven't even finished my first playthrough because I can't stand the Third Act, much less go through the lengthy first two acts just to have everything undone for the "better ending" (which, frankly, isn't better because it undoes everything that the Second Act, which is by far the best part of the game, created). So while it's one of the better Dragon Quest games, the fact that pretty much everything you and the characters do in the Second Act gets yeeted out of existence for the sake of reviving an obnoxious character to get the "better" ending frankly gets my Gogoat.
Another is Breath of Fire 4. Now, I love the Breath of Fire franchise, as I feel it's grossly underrated, and I'm willing to accept their flaws (translation issues seem to be the bulk of it), so I'm very tolerant to them, and Breath of Fire 4 is one of the better games. But at the same time I've noticed a quality drop in it compared to Breath of Fire 3. One of the reasons why I can't replay it is because of all the annoying mandatory mini-games!!! Yes, mandatory mini-games are common in RPGs, but Breath of Fire 4 takes it to obnoxious levels, as there's usually one per major area or level (san dungeons... usually), which combined with the rather horrid camera controls makes many of them an absolute nightmare. Breath of Fire 3 had a few mandatory mini-games but they were rather mild and spaced out in comparison to Breath of Fire 4. Plus I can't get as invested in the characters in this game, as many of them feel weak, bland, dumb, or just unlikeable. Some are standouts but most aren't really interesting or one-note (Cray in particular I can't stand for a number of reasons). It also took several steps back from the previous installments, such as limiting the elemental spell list (ie: Lightning magic is axed, and can only be "recreated" by using the atrocious and fickle combo system), the Dragon forms are a massive step down from BoF3's Dragon Gene system, and the Fairy Village is more of a chore than a benefit. So while I can accept Breath of Fire 4 as a good game (its story and sprite work are great), it has a lot of things going against it that make it hard to replay.
There are probably more but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.